Did he make it? Heck no. That kid's weak frame was no match for pure steamroller power. Check it out for yourself here.
4. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)

Did he make it? Nope. The guard (played by MadTV's Michael McDonald) was flattened despite having ample time and warning. The cherry on this gag is that Austin immediately stops the roller and gets off once the guard was killed. Check out the pancaking here.
3. The Naked Gun (1988)

Did he make it? Uh...not a chance. As cartoonish as the Naked Gun movies can get, they know that 3rd degree steamrollings are fatal.
2. A Fish Called Wanda (1988)

Did he make it? Surprisingly, yes. Instead of being turned into human flat-bread, Otto survives the ordeal and is simply pushed into the wet cement. Still, I wouldn't try it at home, kids. Not even with the supervision of Criss Angel.
1. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

And what a good year it was. This is one of my all time favorite movies, and it's easy to see why. When Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) and Judge Doom (Christopher Lloyd) face off in the Acme warehouse they end up using all manner of ridiculous weapons on each other. Eddie finds himself trapped against a barrel with a giant cartoon magnet and Doom attacks him with the only logical thing, say it with me, ... a steamroller. Long story short, the tables are turned and Doom finds himself in a sticky situation and getting slowly crushed by the steamroller. It's one of the darker scenes to be found in a family film. (Note: I couldn't find a picture from the scene, but I found a picture of that steamroller. It's the real star anyway)
Did he make it? Yes, indeed. Watch the movie to find out why, plus it's an awesome film and has the best scene of someone getting run over by a steamroller ever. As you can tell by this list, it was 80's trademark to have people getting creamed by giant mechanical rolling pins and I certainly don't see it enough nowadays. These days you're more likely to see someone get rickroll'd than steamrolled. And that's a shame.
the late eighties was a time of great cinematic subtlety. i miss those days.
If only some individual would just have the foresight to run someone over with a steamroller while playing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley.
Comedy gold.
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it's quite the "issue" all right. anything we can do to help our friends in the wireless sex toy industry! goooo lesbians!
That would be hilarious
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